Voting Member Dojang Policy
The Newfoundland land and Labrador Amateur Taekwondo Union Inc., NLATU, recognizes the important role Voting Member Dojangs (VMD) and their respective Masters and Instructors have in the growth and development of Taekwondo in Newfoundland and Labrador. It is the role and responsibility of the NLATU to ensure all VMD’s and affiliates operate under the guidelines of the NLATU to provide quality assurance to its members.
This policy amplifies Section 5 of the NLATU bylaws.
Benefits of Membership
NLATU VMD’s have access to the following benefits
NLATU sponsored tournaments and events.
Annual grant to purchase equipment etc. for Dojang / students.
Training and development.
Compressive member and commercial liability insurance.
Access to lottery licence.
Taekwondo Canada sponsored programs, training and competitions
Constitutional Requirements
To be a NLATU Official Voting Member Dojang, the head instructor must meet the following criteria:
1. Resident of Newfoundland and Labrador and 19 years of age or older
2. Minimum Kukkiwon Second Dan
3. Provide Certificate of Conduct and Vulnerable Sector Check.
4. Provide Certificate of First Aid
5. Complete and endorse the VMD Registration Form
1. Due to the inherent position of power and trust placed upon instructors especially when it comes to children, the NLATU, in its due diligence, shall take all the necessary precautions to protect the organization and its members.
2. All Dojang owners / head instructors must submit to the Board of Directors Criminal Record Check, Certificate of Conduct, Vulnerable Sector Check or similar police as requested.
3. The Board of Directors reserves the right to request that all applications for criminal record screening be sent to appropriate law enforcement authorities directly through the NLATU.
4. The Board of Directors reserves the right to request additional supporting documentation such as references, Child, Youth and Family Services screening etc.
5. All VMD owners / head instructors must ensure that criminal records check / vulnerable sector check or equivalent are conducted for ALL instructors, Assistant Instructors etc who instruct and/or coach at their Dojang.
6. All Dojang owners / head instructors applying for VMDstatus for the first time shall be interviewed by the Board of Directors.
To become an NLATU VMDthe owner / head instructor must:
1. Complete the VMD application.
2. Provide proof of all relevant certification as requested.
3. Complete the screening process.
4. The Board of Directors will review all relevant documentation and results of the screening process at the earliest possible Board meeting.
5. The applicant will be notified, in writing, of acceptance or rejection of VMD status within seven (7) days of that Board meeting.
Terms and Conditions of Official Voting Member Dojangs
1. All VMD Instructors must abide by the NLATU Constitution and Bylaws, Code of Conduct and Policies and at all times conduct themselves with honor and integrity, treating all persons with respect and dignity.
2. As Instructors in Taekwondo they must recognize the special role playedin the social and psychological development of children and therefore commit themselves to be positive role models to all students.
Suspension / Termination of Official VMD Status
The NLATU Board of Directors reserves the right to revoke or suspend status as a NLATU Official Voting Member Dojang for:
1. Failing to submit student registration fees.
2. The Dojang owner / head instructor is found to have breeched of NLATU Code of Conduct, Discipline Policy or any other Policy whereby the infraction warrants suspension or termination of membership.
3. Dojang owner / head instructor found guilty of an offense under the Criminal Code of Canada.
4. The Dojang owner has sanctions, suspensions or fines imposed upon him / her by Taekwondo Canada.
Each VMD, its instructors, students, coaches and officials are obligated to abide by NLATU’s Bylaws, Code of Conduct and Discipline Policy.
Membership Forms and Fees
Each VMD Instructor:
1. Must ensure EVERY student is registered with the NLATU upon enrollment.
2. Membership forms must be completed in full.
3. Registration fees must be collected and remitted to the NLATU on a timely basis
PLEASE NOTE: Membership fees shall be approved by the NLATU Board of Directors. Notice of fees shall be distributed to all NLATU VMD’s. Collecting membership fees higher than the approved amount or the addition of any processing or administrative feesin relation to the collection of NLATU membership fees is strictly prohibited.
Instructor Qualifications
The qualifications as defined in section 5.1 of the NLATU bylaws is to define minimum VMD membership requirements. The NLATU Board of Directors reserves the right to establish standards and certifications for instructors, coaches, officials, referees and Dojangs. In circumstances whereby new certification standards are adopted, the NLATU shall provide sufficient notice and will provide fair and economic access to training.
VMD Delegate Selection
As per the bylaws, section 6.5 Representational Voting Each VMD shall select one (1) individual delegate per ten (10) registered members to attend an Annual / Special General Meeting. A VMD must have a minimum of ten (10) registered members to have a delegate attend the AGM. VMD registration consisting of a multiple of ten (10) plus six (6) or more will yield an additional delegate.
VMD with 55 registered members may select five (5) delegates. VMD with 56 registered members may select six (6) delegates.
Each Voting Delegate must meet the following criteria:
1. Member of NLATU in good standing, that is all membership fees paid
2. Is a member of an officially certified NLATU VMD
3. Is a parent of a NLATU member under the age of 18
4. Does not have any outstanding fines or sanctions restricting voting privileges
Process for Selection
Based on the Voting Delegates criteria listed above, each VMD are to democratically select the required number of delegates to represent that specific VMD. Prior to attending an Annual/Special General Meeting, the VMD must hold a meeting, either in person or electronically, and conduct a vote to elect its representatives. The NLATU Board of Directors may request proof of such a meeting.
If a dojang owner / head instructor is selected to be a VMD Delegate, he/she has one (1) vote and does not receive any additional votes regardless of how many NLATU members are in that VMD.
All VMD Delegates are responsible for all costs associated with attending an NLATU A/SGM.
Sole Affiliation
The NLATU is the Provincial Sport federation in Newfoundland and Labrador recognized by Taekwondo Canada, the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF), Pan American Taekwondo Union (PATU), Sport Canada and Canadian Olympic Committee. No NLATU VMD shall hold memberships in any competing or rival “WTF” or “Kukkiwon” style of Taekwondo organization in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. Membership in such organizations, as determined by the Board of Directors, terminates NLATU VMD status with immediate effect.
Commercial Interest
As per Section 7.2 of the bylaws, any individual whose source of income that is derived, in whole or in part from a Taekwondo related business may not hold any position on the NLATU Board of Directors. Therefore, all VMD head instructors, employees, directors, shareholders etc may not hold the position of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer or Regional Director.
Amended by the Board of Directors, September 17, 2015