Sport Development Policy
NLATU devotes a sum of money each year to facilitate the development of Taekwondo in Newfoundland and Labrador. This document governs the disbursement of these funds. Sport development funds are split into seven branches, kyorugi, poomsae, grassroots, equipment, officiating, coaching, and travel subsidy. The amounts allocated to each branch will be determined by the board of directors each fiscal year. For information on distribution see the section below titled “Disbursement”.
The kyorugi and poomsae branches will be governed by a committee (all other branches will have their funding distributed by application. See disbursement).
These two committees are necessary because qualified taekwondo instructors leading them will have the knowledge and expertise needed to determine what equipment and training is needed to develop the sport and will have the contacts needed to put together beneficial seminars.
See Sport Development Committee Terms of Reference for more details on how these committees will operate.
The board of directors will decide how much money will be allocated to funding each branch of sport development each year. The funding fiscal year will be from Sep 1 to Aug 31 each year.
If the funds in any branch are not used by the end of the fiscal year they will carry over into the following fiscal year but they can be redistributed to other branches at the board’s discretion.
KYORUGI (10% FOR 2017-2018)
Determined by committee as outlined in Committee Terms of Reference document
POOMSAE (10% FOR 2017-2018)
Determined by committee as outlined in Committee Terms of Reference document
GRASSROOTS (8% FOR 2017-2018)
The board of directors may oversee the spending of a portion of this funding to run a province wide recruitment campaign. In lieu of that (or the remainder of the funds) will be divided evenly among each member dojang as an advertisement subsidy. To avail of this subsidy, dojang owners must submit receipts for advertising expenses up to the maximum refundable for the year ($104.44 per dojang for 2017-2018).
To keep equipment in our clubs new and in good repair we offer an equipment grant annually. To avail of this subsidy, dojang owners must submit receipts for equipment costs up to the maximum refundable for the year.
OFFICIATING (15% FOR 2017-2018)
We value the job that referees and judges do for us so we provide the following subsidy for those of our officials who wish to improve their certification level.
-Anyone who is traveling off the island to do training or evaluation for a national referee (NR) or higher certification level
-Anyone who is traveling off the island to do training or evaluation to become a learning facilitator (LF) for officials on our province.
-Any national referee or facilitator that is coming to our province to train our members as either of the above two.
This funding can be used to cover the cost of airfare, accommodations and living expenses for the duration of the training being conducted to a maximum to be determined per individual per year.
If these funds remain unused after April 30 any member may request that they be contributed to a referee clinic to train groups of our local members as provincial referees. Such a clinic must be accessible to all areas of the province.
To apply for this funding apply in writing to the board of directors. A report must be filed after the event showing the costs incurred to complete the training, These funds will be distributed on a basis of first-come-first-served annually. An official application form may be later developed.
COACHING (7% FOR 2017-2018)
Similar to the officials funding we provide the following subsidy for those of our coaches who wish to improve their certification level.
-Anyone who is traveling off the island to do training or evaluation for a dojang coach (DC) or higher certification level
-Anyone who is traveling off the island to do training or evaluation to become a learning facilitator (LF) for coaches on our province.
-Any facilitator that is coming to our province to train our members as either of the above two
This funding can be used to cover the cost of airfare, accommodations and living expenses for the duration of the training being conducted to a maximum of $1260 per individual per year.
If these funds remain unused after April 30 any member may request that they be contributed to run a coaching course to train groups of our local coaches (ie. AI courses).
To apply for this funding apply in writing to the board of directors. A report must be filed after the event showing the costs incurred to complete the training, These funds will be distributed on a basis of first-come-first-served annually. An official application form may be later developed.
The bulk of the sport development funds will go towards helping our aspiring athletes to compete outside the province.
The entirety of the funds in this branchg will be divided evenly among each member dojang who isn’t serving a probationary period (within 1 year of joining). Each dojang can access up to $1000 (for 2017-2018) and can distribute the funds to its own athletes and up to one coach as it sees fit, to a maximum of $200 per individual.
The funds needn’t be all applied to the same event, there can be multiple submissions per year. Each individual will not be funded more than once per year and not more than the maximum per individual. The dojang head Instructor applying for the subsidy should make an effort to have a tournament travel plan for the year so that they can fairly distribute funds among their athletes.
This funding can be used towards covering the cost of airfare, accommodations and living expenses for the duration of the competition.
To apply for this funding apply in writing to the board of directors. A report must be filed after the event showing the costs incurred to attend the event. An official application form may be later developed.